Welcome to Alaska Affordable Energy Model’s documentation!

This is documentation for the Alaska Affordable Energy Model (AAEM) a component of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)‘s Alaska Affordable Energy Strategy policy planning activity. This model was developed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geographic Information Network of Alaska (UAF-GINA).

Check the AEA Affordable Energy Strategy website to understand the purpose this model was developed for: http://www.akenergyauthority.org/Policy-Planning/AlaskaAffordableEnergyStrategy

See the AEA Alaska Energy Inventory website for details on the project, goals, and the model docs and other details for the model: http://akenergyinventory.org/energymodel

This documentation is a work in progress : contributions, questions, and corrections are welcomed.

The source code used to generate this website is managed in the same code repository as the model code under the docs directory. The documentation is publicly hosted on http://model-docs.akenergyinventory.org. The Sphinx tool is used to manage and render the documentation which is written in reStructuredText markup.

For more information on the AAEM and its supporting data, contact: Neil McMahon, Planning Manager, Alaska Energy Authority, NMcMahon@aidea.org. Model support questions can be addressed to: support+aaem@gina.alaska.edu
