Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential Component

class aaem.components.ashp_non_res.component.ASHPNonResidential(community_data, forecast, diag=None, prerequisites={})[source]

Bases: aaem.components.ashp_base.component.ASHPBase

Non-Residential ASHP component of the Alaska Affordable Energy Model: This model estimates the potential reduction in heating fuel use from installation of Air Source Heat Pumps in Non-residential buildings. Reduction in fuel used is based on coefficient of power in hypothetical ASHP system and heat energy produced per year. Savings result from differential heating fuel costs and ASHP operation costs. The cost of the ASHP infrastructure projects are based on the number of non-residential buildings in the community and the cost of AHSP systems themselves.


community_data : CommunityData

CommunityData Object for a community

forecast : Forecast

forecast for a community

diagnostics : diagnostics, optional

diagnostics for tracking error/warning messages

prerequisites : dictionary of components, optional

‘Non-residential Energy Efficiency’ component is a required prerequisite for this component

See also

community data module, see information on CommunityData Object
forecast module, see information on Forecast Object
diagnostics module, see information on diagnostics Object
‘Non-residential Energy Efficiency’ component is a required prerequisite for this component


diagnostics (diagnostics) for tracking error/warning messages initial value: diag or new diagnostics object
forecast (forecast) community forecast for estimating future values initial value: forecast
cd (dictionary) general data for a community. Initial value: ‘community’ section of community_data
comp_specs (dictionary) component specific data for a community. Initial value: ‘Non-Residential ASHP’ section of community_data



Calculate the project Capital Costs.


total_cap_required (float) total ASHP capacity provided.
capital_costs (float) calculated capital costs for heat recovery

Calculate the heat energy produced per year by ASHP system (TODO: Double check definition)


heat_displaced_sqft (float) Building Square footage that will be heated by ASHP
heat_energy_produced_per_year (float) Heat energy produced per year in BTU

Loads square footage of Non-residential buildings and average heating consumption per sqft(gal heating fuel/sqft)


comps: Dictionary of components

Dictionary of components, needs ‘Non-residential Energy Efficiency’ key



if ‘Non-residential Energy Efficiency’ component not found.


non_res_sqft (float) Total square footage that may be refit of nonresidential buildings, Will be set to 0 if a value cannot be found in ‘Non-residential Energy Efficiency’ component
avg_gal_per_sqft (float) Heating fuel consumption per square foot. Will be set to 0 if a, value cannot be found in ‘Non-residential Energy Efficiency’ component
run(scalers={'capital costs': 1.0})[source]

Runs the component. The Annual Total Savings,Annual Costs, Annual Net Benefit, NPV Benefits, NPV Costs, NPV Net Benefits, Benefit Cost Ratio, Levelized Cost of Energy, and Internal Rate of Return will all be calculated.


scalers: dictionary of valid scalers, optional

Scalers to adjust normal run variables. See note on accepted scalers


Accepted scalers: capital costs.


run (bool) True in the component runs to completion, False otherwise
reason (string) lists reason for failure if run == False

Save the component output csv in directory


directory : path

output directory

Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential Configuration

Contains Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential configuration info for community data yaml file, and other set-up requirements

Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential Outputs

output functions for Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential component

aaem.components.ashp_non_res.outputs.communities_summary(coms, res_dir)[source]

Saves the summary by: community non_residential_ashp_summary.csv


coms : dictionary

results from the model, dictionary with each community or project as key

res_dir : path

location to save file

aaem.components.ashp_non_res.outputs.component_summary(results, res_dir)[source]

Creates the regional and communities summary for the component in provided directory


results : dictionary

results from the model, dictionary with each community or project as key

res_dir : path

location to save file


Creates the regional summary


results : dictionary

results from the model, dictionary with each community or project as key


pandas DataFrame containing regional results

aaem.components.ashp_non_res.outputs.save_regional_summary(summary, res_dir)[source]

Saves the summary by region: __regional_non_residential_ashp_summary.csv


summary : DataFrame

compiled regional results

res_dir : path

location to save file

Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential preprocessing

preprocessing functions for Air Source Heat Pump Non-residential component


Uses ASHP Base preprocessor functions

aaem.components.ashp_non_res.preprocessing.preprocess(preprocessor, **kwargs)[source]

preprocess data related to existing projects


preprocessor: preprocessor.Proprocessor

a preprocessor object



project names