Software Used In Project


  • Python 2.7 is the Language the Alaska Affordable Energy Model is written in.
  • NumPy functions and datatypes were used for applying financial functions.
  • pandas was used for maipulation of data tables.
  • matplotlib was used for the plotting feature of the forecast.
  • PyYAML was used for reading and writing the yaml configuration files.
  • pycommand used in the creation of the command line interface.
  • IPython used a primary python interpreter during development.
  • Sphinx used for generating documentation.
  • Numpydoc is a plugin for sphinx used to handle NumPy style docstrings. Code documentation follows the numpy standard.
  • Jinja2 is the template engine used to create the web summaries.


  • Bootstrap was used for the stylish stylings of the web summaries.
  • Google Charts was used for the charts in the web summaries.
  • Leaflet was used for the maps in the web summaries.