Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands


Here is a description of the Commands for the Alaska Affordable Energy Model (AAEM) Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI can be accessed by calling aaem.


This will display usage info, a list of commands, and options. The commands are used to perform a specific model function. Each command has it’s own subsection below. The options listed here are general options and will be applied to any command called.

General options:
  • time (–time, -t ): will display the time elapsed for running a command
  • warn (–warn, -w): show warnings

The format of all all cli commands is. (optional info) <required info>

aaem (general options) <command> (options) (arguments)

For example, the run command:

aaem -t run -f Adak_Example.yaml


The setup command can be used to quickly set up the structure needed to run the model and perform an initial model run using default settings.

aaem setup <path to create model directory at> <path to AAEM data repo>
  • Dev (–dev, -d): use only the development communities
  • Force (–force, -f): force overwriting of existing directories

Example, with dev flag:

aaem setup -d ./model ./alaska_affordable_energy_model-data


regenerate(or generate) the model directory structure needed for running the model using the data in the data repo. Use a tag to name the output directory

aaem refresh <path to (create) model directory> <path to AAEM data repo> (tag)
  • Dev (–dev, -d): use only the development communities
  • Force (–force, -f): force overwriting of existing directories
  • Make Globals (–make_globals, -g): splits the configurations generated into a global file and community files

Example, tagged:

aaem refresh ./ ./alaska_affordable_energy_model-data model

Get Data

The Get Data command creates a directory of data files that the AAEM preprocessor needs to run, by pulling data from the API when available, and defaulting to files in the AAEM-data otherwise.

aaem get-data <path to AAEM data repo> <path to create new data directory at>
  • Force (–force, -f): force overwriting of existing directories


aaem get-data ./alaska_affordable_energy_model-data ./my-new-AAEM-data


Run the AAEM. Requires that the directory with the model info is set up with the structure that the setup or refresh command will provide. The model may also be run from a script file see Running AAEM from a script.

aaem run <path to model directory or script file> (list of communities)
  • Dev (–dev, -d): use only the development communities
  • Force (–force, -f): force overwriting of existing directories
  • Log (–log, -l): name/ path of a file to log the output from command to
  • Use –log <log_file>
  • Example: –log OUTPUT.txt
  • Tag (–tag, -t): tag for results directory
  • use : -t <tag>
  • Ex: -t cool_example_results
  • Scalers (–scalers, -s): scalers to be used in running model
  • Available scalers:
  • diesel price
  • diesel price adder
  • capital costs
  • kWh consumption
  • Use: -s <scalar string>
  • Ex: -s ‘{capital costs:1.1, diesel price:10}’
Options (Removed in 0.27.0, should work in verions prior to that):
  • Plot (–plot, -p): run the plotting functions and save results to the provided directory
  • Use: –plot <directory>
  • Ex: -p ./model/PLOTS

Example, with timing:

aaem -t run ./model

Example, list of communities:

aaem run ./model Adak Bethel 'Manley Hot Springs'

Example, all projects for a given community:

aaem run ./model Adak*

Example, list of communities, force:

aaem run -f ./model Adak Bethel 'Manley Hot Springs'

Example, script (see Running AAEM from a script for more details):

aaem run script_file.yaml

Example, scalers:

aaem run -s '{diesel price:10}' ./model


Creates the html summaries for model results

aaem summaries <path to model> (tag)
  • Alternate output path (–alt_out, -a): Alternate output path
  • Force (–force, -f): force overwriting of existing directories


aaem summaries model/m0.27.0_d0.27.0

Example, with tag:

aaem summaries model/m0.27.0_d0.27.0 test_tag


Compare results between model runs.

aaem compare <one set of results> <another set of results> (list of coms)

Example, for all:

aaem compare ./model/results_A ./model/results_B

Example, for Adak:

aaem compare ./model/results_A ./model/results_B Adak


List communities and projects that can be run

aaem list <model directory>


aaem list ./model


Copy model structure from one place to another

aaem copy <source> <destination>
  • Force (–force, -f): force overwriting of existing directories


aaem copy ./model ./model__COPY


Display help for a provided command, or list available commands

aaem help (command)

Example, with command :

aaem help run