
Step 2: Install dependencies

Installation can be done using pip or an anaconda virtual environment. See Software Used In Project for infromation on software used.

Open a Command Line Interface, and navigate to the location of the alaska_affordable_energy_model folder.

2a: using pip

Be sure python(2.7) is installed then us pip:

pip install --user -r requirements.txt

2b: using Anaconda

Install the conda pacage manager for python(2.7)

Set up the environment from file:

conda env create -f environment.ymal

Activate the environment. Be sure to do this each time you want to use the project.


source activate AAEM_env


activate AAEM_env

To deactivate the environment when finished.


source deactivate AAEM_env


deactivate AAEM_env

Step 3: Install AAEM package

From the alaska-affordable-energy-model directory

3a: regular installation


python install --user

3b: development installation/uninstallation

The the development version will allow the package to be modified without reinstalling it during development.

Development install:

python develop --user

Development uninstall:

python develop -u

Step 4: add utility to path

For linux/mac:

From your home directory open .bash_profile in a text editor, and add the aaem bin directory to the path.

Add something similar to this:

export PATH="<path to aaem repo>/alaska_affordable_energy_model/bin/:$PATH"

For windows

Add the python27 and aaem/bin directory to your path using a powershell profile.

Follow the first few setps here to create a power shell profile here if nessary:

add python and aaem/bin directory like this

$env:path += ";C:\Python27;C:\Users\user\alaska_affordable_energy_model\bin"

Step 5: perform initial setup

This will set up the model and add run it:

aaem setup <path to setup location> <path to data repo>

See CLI Commands documentation from more information on the aaem command line interface commands including the setup command.