Appendix B: Historical Electric Power Statistics Reports

Links to Previous Reports, Data Years 1960-2012


Jun 6, 2024 at 22:11 UTC


Mar 26, 2024 at 20:08 UTC

B.1 Historical Electric Power Reports

For an overall description of previous reports that have examined electric power trends in Alaska, please see Section A.2. Below is an exhaustive list of links to these reports over time. Notably, we omit reports that include projections such as the State of Alaska Energy Reports/Plans.

Table B.1: Links to Historical Reports
Publication Year Data Years Data Year Type Authoring Institution Publication Title Type Persistent Links
1969 1968 Fiscal United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration First Annual Report Report First Annual Report
1971 1960-1969 Calendar United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1969 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1969
1972 1960-1970 Calendar United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1970 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1970
1974 1960-1973 Calendar United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1973 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1973
1976 1960-1975 Calendar United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1975 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1975
1977 1960-1976 Calendar United States Department of the Interior, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1976 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1976
1981 1960-1980 Calendar United States Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1980 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1980
1983 1960-1982 Calendar United States Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1982 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1982
1984 1960-1983 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1983 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1983
1985 1960-1984 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1984 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1984
1986 1960-1985 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1985 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1985
1987 1960-1986 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1986 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1986
1988 1960-1987 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1987 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1987
1989 1960-1988 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1988 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1988
1990 1960-1989 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1989 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1989
1991 1960-1990 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1990 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1990
1992 1960-1991 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1991 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1991
1993 1960-1992 Calendar Alaska Systems Coordinating Council; State of Alaska, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1992 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1992
1994 1960-1993 Calendar Alaska Systems Coordinating Council; State of Alaska, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1993 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1993
1995 1960-1994 Calendar Alaska Systems Coordinating Council; State of Alaska, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1994 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1994
1996 1960-1995 Calendar Alaska Systems Coordinating Council; State of Alaska, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1995 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960 - 1995
2003 1960-2001 Calendar University of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research Alaska Electric Power Statistics (with Alaska Energy Balance) 1960 - 2001 Report Alaska Electric Power Statistics (with Alaska Energy Balance) 1960 - 2001
2011 1960-2008 Calendar University of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2008 Report, Excel Workbook Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2008
2011 1960-2009 Calendar University of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2009 Report, Excel Workbook Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2009
2012 1960-2010 Calendar University of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2010 Final Report Report, Excel Workbook Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2010 Final Report
2013 1960-2011 Calendar University of Alaska Anchorage, Institute of Social and Economic Research Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2011 Final Report Report, Excel Workbook Alaska Energy Statistics 1960 - 2011 Final Report
2015 2012 Calendar State of Alaska, Alaska Energy Authority 2012 Alaska Energy Statistics Final Report Report 2012 Alaska Energy Statistics Final Report